Prenatal Chiropractic care that is safe, gentle and effective for mothers
"Children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a devine reward."
Psalm 127: 3-4
is this you?
Is Pregnancy Chiropractic Care Safe for Pregnant Women?
Yes! Chiropractic is a non-invasive and drug-free treatment that has very low risk association. Dr. Dunford is trained to work with pregnant women and uses a gentle prenatal chiropractic technique in a supportive and safe environment. Here are the changes that happen during pregnancy:
-the pelvis tilts forward, which will put strain on the lower back; this may cause sciatica or hip pain depending on where baby is located
-the center of gravity shifts forward and down which changes the posture that could result in inter-uterine constraints
-the breasts increase in size which pulls the shoulders foward and puts stess on neck, mid-back and ribcage, which can cause numbness and tingling in hands
-the pelvis opens up due to the hormone relaxin, which cause gate changes
-the uterus will increase to more than 300x its normal size! This means compression and flaring of the ribcage, diaphragm, pelvis and abdominal muscles which will result in difficulty breathing, heartburn and pain
-the hormone relaxin can also aggravate any previous joint injuries or cause joint injurires such as sprains/strains
-if a second (or third) pregnancy occurs within 5 years, the body will respond much faster, which can lead to issues occuring earlier in the following pregnancies
What is the Webster Technique?
Dr. Ashley uses a technique for her prenatal patients called Webster that is performed for the duration of the pregnancy. The position and muscle tone of the pelvis will be examined. Adjusting the fixations of the sacroiliaic joints will improve the joint motion and nerve flow to the uterus and surrounding organs. Soft tissue work to the pelvic muscles and ligaments might need to be performed as well, which will add in the overall function of the uterus. When the uterus and pelvis is balanced, we often see breech positioned babies flip and improve positioning for birth! This adjusting technique allows the pelvis and supportive ligaments to align properly. This, in short, allows the baby to align properly for delivery.
More comfort during breastfeeding and increase production in milk
Less incidence of post-partum disorders with less upper back, lower back and neck pain
Aids in rehabbing from pregnancy and restoring hormonal balance
Have questions about prenatal chiropractic care?
Chiropractic is VERY safe for pregnant mothers. We often get referrals from Ob-Gyn doctors.
Getting adjusted should never cause more pain. Sometimes performing tests or palpating muscles can cause discomfort that a patient may not know if present. It will always be the intention of the doctor to always preform gentle adjustments and make every step as comfortable as possible.
Radiation is contraindicated for pregnant mothers. In the rare event that an x-ray is needed, these patients are referred to their Ob-Gyn for further evaluation. Your safety is our top priority in our clinic.
Because of the quick changes from birth, we recommend getting checked as soon as possible. With that said, when the new mother is comfortable to lay on our table is the best time to schedule.
If you have more questions about prenatal or postnatal chiropractic care, please fill out a contact form. We will be happy to answer all your questions.
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